As part of the Kudos series, the German brand Exceleram produces neat RAM modules with a minimalist design, efficient cooling and a large selection in terms of formats used. According to the manufacturer, this is “professional” RAM with support for all modern technologies, selected memory chips and low-profile radiators, which is perfect for solving a wide range of work tasks, including working with audio and video content, image processing, writing code, etc. .d.

Moving on to the model range, it should immediately be noted that Black Sark is to some extent a unique series of “professional” level RAM, in which frankly outdated DDR3 class strips are actively sold, now only suitable for upgrading frankly outdated systems. After all, 2024 is just around the corner, and DDR5 memory is knocking on the door. The choice of such options is quite wide: there are single modules of 4 GB, there are 8 GB strips and paired sets giving a total of 16 GB. In most cases, the operating frequency is standard for this class 1600 MHz, less often 1333 MHz.

In terms of DDR4 memory, the Black Sark range does not look as rich, but more focused. In 2024, only 8 and 16 GB sticks with a fairly high operating frequency of 3600 MHz are on sale; for comparison, the most common JEDEC standards are 2400 and 3600. Considering that this frequency is 99% likely to be picked up even by a budget motherboard on the B550 chipset, This results in a small performance bonus. Especially for people who don't want to configure something themselves.