
Catalog Hasbro 2024

31 offers in online stores

The American company Hasbro is one of the world leaders in the production of toys. Its assortment is simply huge and includes all imaginable and unimaginable toys in the world. Buyers have access to board games, toy weapons, interactive toys, creative kits, dolls, board games and much more from this brand.

The company began its activity in 1923. It was founded by brothers Henry and Helal Hasenfeld, naming it in his honor - Hassenfeld Brothers. However, initially she was not engaged in toys at all, but in textile products. The founders then began experimenting with school supplies. The first toys were introduced only in 1940. They were extremely simple, in those years no one could even imagine that in a few decades the company would become a world leader in this direction.

In 1949, a significant event took place - the Mr. Potato Head (Mr Potato Head). Its peculiarity was the presence of a huge number of various accessories, children could change the eyes, nose, mouth, mustache, and elements of clothing from the toy. This toy quickly became popular and sells well even now, in the days of electronic entertainment. Success Mr. Potato Head allowed the company to securely gain a foothold in the market and become one of the major toy manufacturers.

In 1960, the Hassenfeld Brothers name was changed to the much more sonorous and convenient Hasbro. By that time, the company was already one of the largest and well-known toy manufacturers.

In 1983, Hasbro introduced another very popular toy, the My Little Pony. This was followed by such games as Monopoly, Dungeons & Dragons (the rights to them were obtained as a result of a series of successful acquisitions) and several others. Today, Hasbro owns a host of different toy manufacturers from different countries. At the same time, the company continues to actively engage in acquisitions. So, in 2019, she acquired the Canadian studio Entertainment One, which created the famous animated series Peppa Pig.