Causes of bad odors in the refrigerator

First step of the pedestal among the most common reasons for the formation of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator is held by strongly smelling foods : many foods deplete the pungent odor, which eventually diverges around refrigerator perimeter and, less often, the freezer (sauerkraut, some types of cheese, etc. products ). Agree, eating dessert saturated with the persistent aroma of smoked fish is dubious pleasure.

In second place on the list of foul-smelling provisions is spoiled food. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the expiration dates of stored food and promptly dispose of products with signs of spoilage. However, food can go bad not only due to oversight, but also, for example, due to power outages.

Sometimes the reason for the formation of musty smell inside the refrigerator is a clogged defrost drain(in models with an automatic defrost system). Around the drain hole, water stagnates, in which bacteria actively breed, emitting unpleasant odors.

Musty smell in the refrigerator is often caused by clogged drain hole.

Another source of odor is dirty packaging or spilled liquid food if they were poorly or untimely wiped. Also, an unpleasant odor forms in the refrigerator when it is left unused for long time and the internal walls of the device have time to become moldy. Solution of water and laundry soap will help get rid of it (alkali is fungus "killer").

Finally, sometimes new refrigeration units smell extremely specific, still put into operation, which is found in many representatives of the household appliances in general.

Removing odors by folk methods

Most of the ways to deal with unpleasant odors with folk methods come down to thorough washing of all the "insides" of the refrigerator with special solutions from improvised means. Before starting the battle with odors, you will need to turn off the power to the device, remove all drawers and remove shelves. Then everything must be thoroughly rinsed and allowed to dry naturally.

Internal surfaces of refrigerator require periodic hygienic cleaning.

One of the most effective improvised means is an aqueous solution of vinegar. Just soften it with soft cloth and wipe the previously emptied refrigerator inside with it. At the end of the procedure, it is desirable to ventilate the chamber well.

In the most severe cases, when, it would seem, the refrigerator is washed, but the smell still does not go away, solution with ammonia helps out. It can be diluted in water (in an approximate ratio of 1:10), or you can moisten rag with ammonia and wipe the walls of the working chamber with it.

Good to know! Remember that undiluted ammonia is toxic, so try to take precautions: do not inhale its vapors and work with gloves.

To overcome less persistent odors, soda solution(1 tablespoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water) helps, which in addition serves as an excellent disinfectant for the internal surfaces of the refrigerator.

Natural assistant in eliminating foreign odors is lemon juice or its substitute in the face of citric acid. With them, everything is also the same according to the standard scheme: an aqueous solution of homogeneous consistency is made, the “insides” of the refrigerator are wiped with moistened sponge, and then they are given time to dry.

An aqueous solution to effectively combat unpleasant odors is easy to create from improvised means.

Crushed activated charcoal tablets that absorb odors, like sponge, also help to forget about an unpleasant odor for several weeks. They must be stored in an open container.

Refrigerator odor absorbers

Ready-made solutions for odor absorbers of various types are increasingly found on store shelves:

  • aerosol air fresheners;
  • spherical absorbers with silica gel;
  • bags with activated carbon granules;
  • odor absorbers in the form of crystal of mineral salts;
  • air ionizers that kill bacteria by spreading ozone around them.
Plastic balls with carbon sorbent eliminate unpleasant odors, destroy bacteria, while extending the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables.

In addition, advanced "players" in the modern refrigerator market can boast of their own devices for eliminating odors and preventing the mixing of odors of products stored in different compartments: carbon filter or deodorizer put into service.

Odor maskers

By “prescribing” some food absorbents inside the refrigerator, unpleasant odors can be significantly weakened or completely masked. So, rice grains, open containers with salt and sugar, aromatic herbs and spices, coffee beans are well suited for constant use. Much more often, slices of dried black bread, cut potato or onion slices, and, perhaps, the most popular odor absorber - citrus slices and lemon peel are to be replaced.

Lemon slices work well as natural air freshener in the refrigerator.

Rules: what to do so that there are no smells in the refrigerator

To do this, follow simple rules:

  • with frequency of at least twice year, arrange general cleaning in the refrigerator with thorough washing of everything and everyone;
  • store food supplies in closed form (under the lid or "under the cap" of the cling film);
  • conduct an audit to identify spoiled products;
  • do not put off cleaning up spilled contents for later by wiping them with sponge immediately.
Helpful advice. If you are going on vacation for long time, try to leave as little food in the refrigerator as possible.

Compliance with these simple steps will help keep the storage of food supplies clean and maintain pleasant aroma in it.